Matching affordable housing that meets your needs

We consider different forms of assistance and personal needs, including if properties accept section 8 (link) housing assistance.

Fresh Listings

Our system scrapes the internet every day for fresh listings in your area.


Email and/or SMS notifications when properties come on the market.


Generate listing matches near a specific location using a map so you can be close to home

Report Problems

Report bad listings and inform us of landlords that don't support section 8.


Fresh results everyday - you can always visit the site and have it refresh your personal listings.


This is a non profit site here for you - we protect your personal information.

List property directly on our site

We're here to match property owners that provide affordable housing with renters at no cost to list. Daily we match home seekers with listings to encourage quick and direct response at no cost.

No cost

Once approved you can add, remove, enable and disable listings.

Fast Communication

Contact us directly below and we'll quickly move to make sure your property is listed asap.


Match your property directly to a renter without unneeded costs and payments to others.

Contact Us For More

Phone :


Address :

1100 Military Road
Lincoln, NE 68508-1047